


In Luke 10:2 our Lord Jesus Christ while commissioning the 72 said to them, “The harvest indeed is plenteous, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth laborers into his harvest” (American Standard Version). The Identify with Jesus Christ Ministries, (ID Jesus Ministries, for short), was established in response to this need that our Lord Jesus had expressed. The ministry was established in June 2014 as a Christian ministry whose purpose is to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world that so desperately needs it, through various
channels. It got incorporated in the State of Georgia in 2019. Our motto is “…and you shall be My witnesses…” (Acts 1:8)



The Identify with Jesus Christ Ministries aims to bring the message of Jesus Christ and His saving
power to a worldwide audience through various channels of evangelization including churches,
Christian outreach and outdoor evangelization, Christ-centered, soul-winning concerts and talent-
shows, including music motivational speeches, drama, movies, TV programming and
Christian publications.


our WORK

We currently gather online via teleconference and zoom for worship, prayers, ministration, Bible study and other teaching programs which are meant to strengthen the believer and to draw non believers to Christ. Please see our program schedules and feel free to join us. Also, to fulfill our mission, the Identify with Jesus Christ Ministries organizes Christian based
concerts and entertainment events. In addition, we hope to conduct tours across the U.S and overseas wherever and however we are enabled, for a gathering of Christian artists of all races, nationality or color with the goal of encouraging people to “identify with Jesus Christ” as their personal Lord and Savior. This intent is also to advertise, in thanksgiving, what God has done in the lives of many believers who might find it an avenue to express the abundant love of God in their lives. Our work is Christ-centered and our ultimate goal is to win souls for Him and to help people come to the knowledge and understanding that indeed i) God loves us all so much, which made Him send His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to redeem our souls from sin (John 3:16), ii) Salvation is in no other name except the Name of Jesus Christ: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). The message that we bring is that of hope and encouragement, that when everything and everyone else fails, God will never and can never fail us Please keep us and our work in your prayers that God’s grace will abound for us to stay focused to fulfill our calling so as to be able to give account of good stewardship in the end.